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Formic Pro (Single-Dose)

Formic Pro (Single-Dose)


    Formic Pro™ the next generation in formic acid treatments and is used to treat hives with varroosis, caused by varroa destructor in honey bees. Unlike Mite Away Quick Strips, Formic Pro™ has a longer shelf life of 24 months and no temperature requirements for storage. Daytime temperatures still must be between 50° F - 84° F (10° C- 29° C) when used.

    Strips are laid across the tops of the brood frames. Safe to use during the honey flow! A spacer rim is no longer needed for these strips, but you still need to wear the recommended safety equipment for acid.

    There are two treatment options:

    • Option One: 2 strips for 14 days.
    • Option Two: 1st strip for 10 days remove and replace with 2nd strip for an additional 10 days.
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